From the very beginning all of my decisions have been last minute and my choice to go to RV was no exception. When asked why I had no response I just knew I belonged here, I felt the same with The Holly Spirit. When I went to my first Holly Spirit interest meeting I remember thinking, “No way in hell, I suck at writing.” I was weary at first but Mrs. Sherman’s reassuring words swayed me. To be entirely honest I came back for the promise of breakfast, although selfish I am so grateful for that decision. Something that seemed so small, just wanting breakfast, became two years of learning and long lasting friendships.
I started out believing I was a terrible writer but with time my writing improved and my love for anything journalism related grew. To say there were no challenges would be a boldfaced lie, I had so many moments of doubt and felt overwhelmed. I’m so grateful to all my editors and fellow writers for their encouraging words of advice. It’s thanks to them that I’ve learned to love what I write about. I adore reading articles from my fellow writers and being enveloped by their enthusiasm about the subject. It could be art or sports but it’s always there.The editors and writers that put in the hardwork are the backbone of our club and I’ll miss being here. Spending half of my high school career in the Holly Spirit it never ceases to amaze me just how much our community has flourished and I have been so fortunate to be a part of it.
If you have your doubts about joining any clubs I say go for it! My full high school experience was cut short due to the pandemic which limited my options but you still have time for yours. It doesn’t matter if you start your senior year just take that leap of faith, you never know what you’ll find. For me what I found was a loving community that cultivated not only my writing but my communication skills. Whether you’re an impulsive decision maker or have it all figured out the Holly Spirit always has an open spot for you to express yourself.