Humans of RV: Nathan Melendez

A window into freshman Nathan Melendez’s RV experience

McKenna Gaskins, Student Life Writer

The Humans of RV project is a weekly column based off of Brandon Stanton’s seminal “Humans of New York” project, which seeks to “catalogue the city’s inhabitants” through photography and brief interviews. RV seeks to expand on this project with our own “cataloguing” of RV students and an examination into all the unique perspectives here at school. 


My first week at RV felt like everything was being thrown my way, but in the best way possible.

Being a freshman, everything was completely new to me. Though at first glance, things weren’t too much different than middle school; you learn, take tests, complete homework. I was surprised on my first day by how great it really was. The workload I’ve got is somewhat the same, just a little bit harder. 

Once I went in-person, everything felt new; a new building, new faces (even though they were partially covered up). 

I did, however, make sure to keep my agenda really close. I studied it like a map the night before; I did not want to get lost. I thought I did pretty well; except for the second week when I completely walked past my math room. I’m still getting used to things.

At RV so far I’m only involved in soccer. During open house back in January, I put my email down with a couple clubs, but honestly, I have no idea how and what they’re doing. I think a lot of clubs are really struggling right now because of being online, so I have yet to join anything other than soccer.

There really isn’t a lot to say about the soccer season since it was so short; it just all felt very different. I think it felt so different because we didn’t get a lot of games. My team only played about two or three times, and most of our games got cancelled or pushed back because of [COVID-19]. Then the season ended abruptly when they had to cancel it for safety reasons. Practice was really enjoyable, though. It was nice to just be with a larger group of people again; people that I could talk to. It felt great to get back into playing soccer again because I hadn’t for a while.

I’m definitely looking forward to the second semester. I’ve got a bunch of electives, so I’m excited to take part in those.

I’m also looking forward to getting back into school and learning, and just generally being around people. Online school has made it hard to get involved and really enjoy my high school experience.