RV Literary Magazine accepting submissions for 2021 issue

Inklings is looking for writing and art pieces for its 2020-2021 publication

Maham Zulfiqar, News Writer

Rancocas Valley’s annual literary magazine, Inklings, is looking for creative work to feature in their 2021 issue. The magazine is accepting poetry, stories and artwork focusing on the subject of “Remembering, Recovering and Restarting.”

Mr. Steven Burns, the adviser for Inklings, spoke about this year’s theme. “2020-2021 has been an incredibly challenging year for all us, in wide-ranging, complicated ways,” he said. “With this theme, we are hoping to inspire our writers to reflect on this year and how it changed them. We also hope students might, through the process of writing, work towards an opportunity to heal and start fresh this fall. We felt creating an issue about this year and what lies ahead could help students realize that they were not alone in their experience this year, that good things are just over the horizon.”

All work sent in will be published in the magazine. Those who submit poetry will also be entered into the Inklings Spring Poetry Contest for a chance to win a Barnes and Noble gift card. 

“Poetry will be carefully read by our judges [Burns, Olivia Morse and Alexandra Sulock] and rated on a scale from 1-5 in the following categories: Emotional Impact, Rhythm, Word Choice, Style/Tone, Connection to Theme,” said Mr. Burns of the magazine’s process.

Inklings is an extracurricular club at RV who meet every week to work on the annual publication. 

“During meetings we workshop creative writing pieces, listen to music and eat pizza,” said Mr. Burns. “Editors are responsible for reading submissions, judging contests, developing our issue’s theme and spreading the word about our club. Students who are part of Lit Mag should also have a strong interest in publishing and the literary arts. Some of our members have won local writing contests and cash prizes. We are definitely in need of students who love to read, write, and, in general, be creative.”

Beyond the magazine, the group hosts numerous events throughout the school year, such as poetry workshops and writing contests. They also plan on opening a website next semester where students outside the club can submit their creative writing, share book reviews and art.

Work for this year’s Inklings issue must be submitted at http://tinyurl.com/rvlitmag2021 by May 15. Those interested in joining the literary magazine next year should contact Mr. Burns at sburns@rvrhs.com