Say hello to RV’s newest clubs

With the school year coming back in full swing, get to know RV’s latest student-run clubs

Isabella Cifaldi, Student Life Writer

This year at RV, school is starting to feel normal after a year and a half of unprecedented times. Students are back to full school days, and goodbye is the half virtual classes of the past. With the execution of masks, RV provides the semblance of long-missed normalcy.

RV has a reputation for having a number of different well-renowned clubs, where hundreds of options are available to its students. Each student has a place here at RV, where any and every club under the sun could be found.

With this mindset, we sought to find and got to know three of our newest clubs to see the contribution that each and every one of them would make in RV’s clubs and school.

The three newest clubs at RV are RV UNICEF, Students Against Hunger (SAH), and RVRHS Students for Lemons.

What is your club?

Enise Kupa, senior, founder of RV UNICEF

“I run the UNICEF club here at RV. UNICEF stands for United Nations International Children’s Fund. As a UNICEF club, we work to provide humanitarian and developmental aid to children internationally through fundraising and advocating for their basic rights.”

Devon Creelman, senior, founder of Students Against Hunger (SAH)

“My club is called Students Against Hunger. We help out local food pantries, raise money for organizations against hunger, and we organize the RV Food Pantry.”

Annalise Steffe and Zachary No, juniors, founders of RVRHS Students for Lemons

“Under the foundation of Alex’s Lemonade Stand, we make and sell lemonades to students, and the RV community, at school events to raise money for childhood cancer. We give it back to the foundation and they give it to funding for research for childhood cancer.”

What made you want to create this club at RV?


“I wanted to create a UNICEF chapter at RV after doing a school project on how the humanitarian crisis in Yemen was affecting their children. I became more interested in learning about issues regarding children internationally, and soon after, I became interested in spreading UNICEF’s message. I wanted to give students at RV the opportunity to learn about issues regarding children that aren’t being talked about and actually doing something about it, and that’s how RV UNICEF came about.”

Creelman, Students Against Hunger (SAH)

“I wanted to create this club/organization because I wanted to be more involved at RV and help out our community. It’s awesome that the work we are doing is affecting the RV area and I think it’s cool that we are making a positive change locally.”

Steffe and No, RVRHS Students for Lemons

“I attended this leadership event outside of RV during the summer, hosted by Alex’s Lemonade Stand. They reached out to me about starting a Lemon Club at RV, and I was passionate about it over the summer so I said why not bring it to RV. So, I brought it to RV and I needed three other members who I knew were passionate, driven, and determined, so I looked towards Anna Steffe, Theo Rumberger and Miranda Moore, and other kids in my grade. From there we built a club around RV students in our junior year, and from there we built the club up and now have a good amount of people.”

What are your future goals for the club and do you have plans made for the future?


“Now that we have less COVID-19 restrictions, I am hoping that I can host school-wide fundraising events and have those funds go directly towards UNICEF. I am also hoping to get international pen pals for our members with children from Honduras! I’m excited to see where the school year takes us, and I hope to make a big impact on the international children’s community so my last year in RV UNICEF is as memorable as possible.”

Creelman, Students Against Hunger (SAH)

“My future goals for the club include bringing back in-person cooking events (if allowed because of COVID-19) and trying to expand our food pantry to help more families in the RV community. For the rest of this year, we will continue to help local food pantries and support organizations that involve supplying food to those that need it most.”

 Steffe and No, RVRHS Students for Lemons

“We started off our sophomore year, during COVID-19 to raise as much money as possible and we ended up raising $400 which is a really good amount just off of two events. For the future, we are looking to raise $1,500, for this year, and we are also really excited to attend events at the school like games and homecoming, and hopefully, at the end of the year we are looking into maybe having our own event, and basically just attending all of the events at RV.”

RV is certainly a place where any student can join a myriad of clubs, with endless opportunities. Throughout these different clubs, each and every one of them is unique in its own way. With the addition of RV UNICEF, Students Against Hunger (SAH) and RVRHS Students for Lemons, it’s clear that service is on the mind of many students at RV.