What to expect from the spring play “Brighton Beach Memiors”

The next play from Red Devil Dramatics changes gears with a coming of age story

A scene from the 2009 Broadway production of "Brighton Beach Memoirs" In New York City

Photo courtesy of nytimes.com

A scene from the 2009 Broadway production of “Brighton Beach Memoirs” In New York City

Maria Hickman, Managing Editor

With the success of the musical “Pippin,” put on by Red Devils Dramatics, the Thespian society is wondering what’s next for them. Look no further since they have announced the all school play as “Brighton Beach Memoirs,” a coming of age story.

This play takes place in 1937, on Brighton Beach in New York. The story follows teenager Eugene as he tries to navigate life during these hard times while going through changes. The play also highlights the struggles that Eugene’s family has to go through during the Great Depression. His father and brother both have to work to support the family including Eugene’s aunt and her two daughters who live with them.

“It is an American coming of age story about family trauma and conflict mixed with sexual humor and a powerful message on American prejudice,” Said Mr. Pliskin, theater teacher and diretor. Pliskin is very excited to direct the play since it is on his list of plays to direct before he dies and he believes it is playwright Neil Simon’s best work.

The student body is equally as excited for the play, especially those who plan on auditioning. “I am really excited for the play this year since it is my last play and to be able to share the stage with my friends,” said senior Chloe Edwards who is auditioning.

Auditions for the play will be held through February 3 starting at 2:45. If interested join the Google classroom with code: 5u6fz5o. We hope to see you come out and audition.