“It’s truly the beginning”: Andre dominic Faigal, Student Life writer

Time: where did it really go?

As the end of the school year is approaching, my awareness of the time I have left at RV is becoming more prominent and surreal. 

For me, time is everything. I learned that these past four years. From freshman year, blinded by things that some would say, don’t necessarily matter like, messing around or playing video games. By sophomore year I created a solid foundation that is a big part of me today–my passion for running. To junior year, carrying that discipline, hard work and consistency to make an enjoyable and rewarding senior year. And that progression all happened in a matter of time unwinding on itself. 

The concept of time and its entire being is so interesting to me but also so simple because it affects everyone and everything that has ever existed. To think that every decision I have ever made resulted in who I am today. Whether that be eating a bowl of cereal in the morning, doing my homework, or going on a run–all day-to-day things all added up to what I believe is the big picture. And of course, there were events and things that helped me along that path.

More specifically the time that some would say was “lost” or “gained” during the lockdown stages of the pandemic. For me, I was able to use that break to focus on self-improvement and make better decisions. I disciplined myself to get rid of bad habits that were negatively affecting my lifestyle and preventing me from reaching my goals. I owned a positive outlook, but also a strong mindset of determination in which many actions that people would loathe, turn habitual. For instance, waking up every day at 4:30 a.m. to get my run in. Some people would call me insane but running has become a lifestyle for me. Or planning out the week in detail–the goals and certain tasks I had to accomplish–to allow me to efficiently produce the work I had to put in. Bottom line is that the decisions I made and the dedication I put into my work during the lockdown is something that I am grateful I pursued. 

Now with the time I have remaining with my friends, family, teachers and familiar environments I am able to appreciate everything day by day. As graduation is nearing, it excites me to think of the unknown that many of us are going to be investing our lives in. The familiarities that some take for granted will be replaced by entirely new faces, facilities, and locations. For me, that is the military, and that date of June 30 is coming closer than I would have ever imagined because of the constant of time. 

So really if I were to put everything in a simple sentence based on all the rewards and experiences I have is that: “time is everything and you are a product of what you decide to make yourself a year from today.” That goes to show that the decision I made in high school whether that is self-driven or influenced by others, allowed me to fully carry out the person I wanted to be. My “mark” on RV or the way I want everyone to remember is not on my rewards or accomplishments but on the hard work and dedication that it took to get there.

I believe that everyone has the potential to grow and make an impact whether that be big or small it is just a matter of starting and staying consistent. Lastly, shoutout to all the people that helped me on this journey, especially Mrs. Sherman–I am forever grateful for the chance to write for the Holly Spirit. And to my senior classmates remember graduation is not the end, it’s truly the beginning. 

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