Letter from the Editors: comments on articles in the Holly Spirit

The Holly Spirit will no longer accept or publish anonymous comments on our site

Hamilton Scudder and Shea Smith

Recently the Holly Spirit received some comments that anonymously question the journalistic integrity of our content. As a publication that strives to represent all voices and opinions, having a place where members of our community can comment on our work is extremely important to us. We welcome all perspectives which concern the content of our website, and in doing this encourage our readers to engage in active discourse about the subject matter, rather than the publication as a whole or unrelated student bodies. With that, we are adjusting our policy concerning comments, which can no longer be anonymous. Our comment sections have been consistently constructive and uplifting, with wonderful support for our writers from members of the community, and we are sure that this change will not prevent our readers from continuing to do so. We appreciate the continuing support from the student body, teachers, parents and especially our administration for their enthusiasm for our work.