The rise of RV social media accounts

Is the rise of social media dedicated to RV doing more harm than good?

Isabella Cifaldi, Student Life Writer

Social media is an invention that connects everyone from all over the world, whether that’s breaking world news, political announcements, celebrity pictures, your cousin’s engagement or the retirement of your favorite football players (recently, Tom Brady). Through the notorious social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and even TikTok, adults, teenagers and children can all be interconnected to different ideas, viewpoints and postings. 

This past school year, a number of different groups at RV created new Instagram accounts. Some say that these accounts began during the stir-crazy moments of the pandemic, or for comedic relief during this difficult time of COVID-19. Nevertheless, RV Instagrams have been popping up left and right ranging from information regarding your favorite RV sports teams to even parking habits around the school. While most of these accounts are “RV-official” in that they are associated with recognized clubs and groups at RV, many are student-created and therefore “unofficial” — though they still utilize RV logos and brands, which can make it somewhat confusing.

You can find your favorite clubs and accounts all over Instagram, from RV Band, Wrestling, Girls XC, Track and Field, Girls Lacrosse and so much more. Not to mention, as RV prom season is approaching for juniors and seniors, there have been Instagram accounts specifically created for upperclassmen girls to share their dresses to not only share in the excitement of the upcoming memorable night but also for practical reasons too for those who do not want the same dress. Concerning these previously stated Instagram accounts that are not officially connected to RV but are known for the RV student community, what draws the line? 

Many school officials agree that he line is crossed for specific RV Instagram accounts which are not run for the informational perspective of your favorite teams and extracurriculars, but for comedic relief. For instance, the Instagram account, “RV Shoes,” was specifically created for students to take pictures of other students’ shoes. Another unofficial Instagram account, “Caught Lacking,” was created specifically for students to take pictures of RV teachers–unbeknownst to them. Similarly, “Wackfits,” another unofficialInstagram account, was created with the sole intention of documenting students’ outfits. These unofficial accounts obviously draw questions of harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) violations, as well as ethical issues, particularly images of staff members which are unauthorized. 

One account, however, in particular, has been more popular than the others: “RV Bad Parking.” This account is specifically designed to document students and even teachers who have parked on RV grounds in a deplorable manner, or, for a lack of better words, just bad parking. In a way, this account actually serves to better the RV driving community by serving as a way for people to improve upon their parking because no one wants to be featured on this account. 

Students and RV community members have varying opinions on the accounts. Very few students wanted to give their names on the record for this interview, but many were willing to talk openly about their opinions.

“I think some of them are funny, like the bad parking one, but I feel some of them are dumb and that in the beginning, it was like you had to really think about everything you did since it could be posted,” said one senior who even found the accounts to be a learning experience. “However, they are honestly all fine now.”

To some seniors, some accounts were funny, yet others were over the top. “At first, they were funny, but now not so much,” said another senior. “It was funny until the RV bathroom shoe account.”

Clearly, the RV student population is split regarding the RV Instagram accounts, where some find them to be a learning lesson, or split on the manner entirely by finding it funny at first yet not anymore, whereas some enjoy these accounts and their comedic relief. 

As the 2021-2022 school year at RV has transitioned into its last semester, who knows what the future of Instagram has for RV students. Will it continue as a way to inform students and the public about sports and extracurricular or for new and creative accounts to be created? Will students find these accounts to be funny and serve as comedic relief, as a way to become a better parker or something that has gone too much too far? Nonetheless, one thing is for sure: here at RV, there is always something new happening.