Negative campaign ads turn young people off from politics

This election season has brought a multitude of advertisements on almost every platform — many of which are increasingly negative

August Hobbs, Assistant News Editor

With the midterm elections taking place tomorrow, many candidates have been releasing advertisements encouraging people to go out and vote. However, many of these ads aren’t just promoting the policies of a candidate, but are also attacking their opponents in order to gain support.

One of the most noteworthy elections going on this year is for the Senate seat in Pennsylvania. The ads for the both candidates, Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Democrat John Fetterman, have been especially harsh.

“I see people making commercials about John Fetterman’s stroke,’’ junior Zaya Martin said. “They’re just over the top… and there’s a lot of them.”

The Democratic Campaign Committee has spent $33 million dollars on advertisements  for Fetterman’s senate campaign, according to The Hill. Similarly, the Senate Leadership Fund has spent about $34 million on campaign ads for Oz as reported by AXIOS.

Many of these ads have also been showing up on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

“ I’ve seen [ads] on Youtube occasionally. Also I’ve seen some [people] campaigning on TikTok just… in general for people to vote,’’ junior Zoe Mercado said. “ [It’s] usually something negative about the opposing candidate.”

It is estimated that $84 million have been spent on Facebook ads in the third quarter of 2022 alone with $58 million going toward direct response advertisements, according to CNBC.

However, the mass amount of political ads have seemed to upset people rather than get them excited about the midterm elections, including Senior Katie Rogina.

“I feel like they’re just annoying at this point,” Rogina said. “ I see why they’re doing them because the election is so important, but the ads are just targeting the other candidates and not really promoting themselves that much.”

Both parties are encouraging people to get out and vote through their advertisements. With a small lead by Democrats in the Senate, these ads could have a significant influence on which candidates will win in their state or district and who holds the majority in the House and Senate. With the constant promotion of political ads, these midterms seem to be more important than ever, especially with the 2024 election just two years away.